The crime of sexual abuse of minors is not something that can be considered a small and unimportant problem. This problem is very important, the victims are minors, where children as the nation's buds and the next generation of the nation's ideals must be considered, protected and guarded from all actions that can harm them. Therefore, not only his family plays an active role but all levels of society play an active role in paying attention, protecting, and protecting him. The type of research used by the author is qualitative research, namely the author conducts research with the intention of being able to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the object or research subject. In this study, to find out the information contained in books, as well as articles related to existing problems. In the study used by the author is a normative study (Library Research). In this paper, it can be concluded that the enforcement of criminal law in cases of criminal acts of obscenity is regulated in the child protection law article 17 paragraph 2 which states that "every child who is a victim or perpetrator of sexual violence or who is in conflict with the law is kept secret. In Law Enforcement Efforts, crime prevention can be divided into repressive, preventive, and pre-emptive efforts. Efforts to protect children need to be continuously pursued in order to maintain the welfare of children, considering that children are one of the valuable assets for the progress of a nation in the future. The quality of protection for children should have the same degree or level as protection for adults, because everyone has the same position before the law (equality before the law).
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