Benefits Analysis of Investing in Sharia Stock LQ 45 2017-2021 Period in Indonesian Capital Market

  • Arfah Arfah Prodi Ekonomi Syariah, STAI Nurul Falah Airmolek
  • Pratiwi Nur Hidayati Prodi Ekonomi Syariah, STAI Nurul Falah Airmolek
  • Viras Alti Pidola Prodi Ekonomi Syariah, STAI Nurul Falah Airmolek


The main purpose of investing is to generate and increase profits in the form of a certain amount of money. Profit considerations for investors will influence the outcome of investment planning decisions. A new challenge for Muslim investors is whether investing in Islamic stocks can generate better returns and minimize risk. Or the risk is greater than the return achieved. Problems that often occur in the field experienced by investors are misjudging and analyzing the shares purchased, weak knowledge about shares, failing to make profits (Capital Loss), not getting capital again, not getting dividends, the company is not liquid. Seeing this phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze the profit level of investing in LQ45 sharia shares in the Indonesian Capital Market. This type of research is descriptive quantitative and correlative with a literature study approach with secondary data as a source of data. Based on the results of descriptive analysis within a period of 5 years, it shows that the average return of Islamic stocks is -0.010424062 or -1%. There are 17 sharia stock companies, there are 10 companies that get negative returns so that it has an impact on the overall average return of sharia shares.

How to Cite
Arfah, A., Hidayati, P. N., & Pidola, V. (2023). Benefits Analysis of Investing in Sharia Stock LQ 45 2017-2021 Period in Indonesian Capital Market. JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS, 1(2), 107-114.