The e-Tilang system that was created has the following considerations: First, that the administration of justice is carried out on the basis of simplicity, speed and low cost to open wide access for the public to obtain justice. Second, that the Court together with the Police and Prosecutor's Office are institutions that are mandated to carry out the management of traffic violation cases based on Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code and Law No. 2 of 2009 concerning LLAJ and other related laws and regulations. Third, that the resolution and management of certain traffic violation cases has not been optimal so far, so arrangements need to be made so that justice and public services can be felt by the public or justice seekers. There are 2 (two) types of communication targets in the practice of implementing the e-Tilang system, namely internal targets of the organization (e-Tilang system policy implementers (PMJ traffic officers) and external organizations (the entire community/road users). Externally, the socialization process The practice of implementing the e-Ticket system carried out by PMJ concluded that the implementation of the socialization of the e-Ticket system policy provided by police officers directly in the field to the public (motorists/drivers) has not had a significant impact so it is not optimal because only 22% of drivers know about it. / hear e-Ticket information directly through officers. This is because socialization regarding traffic safety policies is only carried out a few moments before and after the policy is launched, so there are other elements of society that have not been touched by the socialization carried out by officers.
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